Listen HEAR Group
(516) 731-5868 Local
(877) 761- HEAR - Toll Free
Help Your Students Reach for the Stars
Suggestions for Teachers

                            Remember that students with Central Auditory Processing Disorder are just as eager
                            to learn as other students.  However, they may become frustrated since learning
                            is a chore instead of an exciting experience. Therefore, teachers can make the learning
                            experience more pleasurable by providing the following strategies:

                           1. Settle for limited success by praising any accomplishment that represents 
                               improvement.  It is not helpful to demand performance comparable with average children.

                           2. Reduce motor activities during the communication process. That is, reduce the number of 
                               written responses you require and avoid asking the child to listen and write at the same time.
                           3. Move into areas of new academic interest by gradual transition, reviewing known
                               material first, so that the child can experience some degree of success.

                           4. Keep extensive instructional periods as short as possible with as many breaks
                               as possible. Alternate difficult listening activities with individual study periods or less
                               stressful activities.

                           5. When possible record lessons or instructions on tape so that the child can hear the material 
                               again at a later time.

                           6. Make sure you have the child's attention before giving directions. Speak slowly
                               and clearly, but, do not over exaggerate speech. Use simple, brief directions.

                           7. Avoid auditory fatigue by scheduling difficult listening activities early in the day.  
                               Allow the child sufficient time to respond and complete the work.

                           8. Check the child's comprehension by asking questions or asking for a brief 
                               summary after key ideas have been presented to be sure the child understands.

                           9. Provide the child with a "listening buddy" who can answer the child's questions

                         10. Most important, try to minimize noise levels within the classroom. Use sound
                               absorbing materials when possible. If extraneous noise cannot be reduced or 
                               eliminated, select seating for the child away from auditory distractions to help the child 
                               focus and maintain attention.

For more information about our on-line Listen Hear Group 
Call Us At:
Local (516) 731-5868
Toll Free (877) 761-HEAR

A Division of iHear-Speech-Swallow-Help, Inc